interdisciplinary narrator.

House Apparitions
salvaged and recycled fabrics, polyester filling, embroidery, acrylic paint.
2018 - ongoing

House Apparitions
are created in phases of emotional turmoil and are an exercise in grounding oneself, an antithesis to the hyperdigitalization of the work day, a method for slowing down thought- and work processes.
Each sculpture serves a specific purpose within the four walls of the studio, such as: pretend psychotherapist, punching bag, patron saint of sparks, vessel for holding abandoned dreams, keeper of grief, or spiritual guide for the time in between years. Outside of the studio, they become a projection surface for the hopes and needs of the viewer and, depending on the setting, can be interacted with.

The House Apparitions’ relationships towards each other are mysterious, their intentions are unclear, but their presence is a gentle anchor in the chaos.
